Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Rexmas everyone!! ;-) a heart-warming celebration whereby all of us come together and enjoy ourselves! Definitely an awesome Rexmas party!

Rexaz piñata! Handmade by the commitee! ;-)

yummylicious food prepare by everyone and kim's mum!
Tadah! REXAZ SNOWMEN COMPETITION! Every representative from each team! ;P

Our REXAZ SECRET SANTA! Gift exchanges from own secret santa! ;-)

 And... our small little token for the alumni!

 Xmas prezzie for dearest Coach, with the committee members! ^^

 Last but not least, thank you all for make this event so successful and unforgettable. JIAYOU REXAZ! We're moving on to 2013 soon! It'll be a good year for all of us!! LET'S GO! :D