Friday, September 17, 2010


Helloo my lovely cheerleaders!

I am here to update the blog once again(: How have you guys been doing! Since the UT period is over, i believe you guys are much more free now. So let's use our time wisely & let's gym more okay? Also, flyers please watch your diet, be careful not to gain more weight! Avoid junk foods & let's eat healthily (:

Anyway, last sunday, our seniors performed at Jurong Safra for an CDAC event! It was a great performance due to the space constraint & they had to make last minute changes. Good job seniors!!(:

Presenting to you our 8 men!



&, special thanks to..


for coming down to help us!


Yup! So, that's all for now & i'm gonna end this post with a Just for laugh picture!


Don't you guys think this resembles us when we stretch our abs after doing crunches? heehee.

Your publicity,